Wednesday, June 2, 2010

8-Bit Theater Read-through: 001-010

Recently, I found out that 8-bit Theater finished its lengthy web comic run at 1225 episodes. I don't think it was recently, (Wiki Check: Ended June 1, 2010, guess it was recently). I liked the comic a ton during my heavy web comic phase and was caught up back when episode 300 was new, but it seems a lot has happened since then.

As a tribute, I've decided to dedicate quite a few posts to reliving my 8-bit experience, going through the entire run and sharing my thoughts throughout. I'm sure I'll enjoy myself, and if I can make just one person aware of the greatness that is 8-Bit Theater, my work here is done.

Read-through Episodes 001-010

Ah, humble beginnings but still chuckle-worthy. It's a simple set-up, but already resembles the comic that it shall be in the future. Some of the one-liners may be lame (actually, quite terrible), but that's part of the charm of the whole experience, seeing how much it's all evolved. It's charming to know that Black Mage was always a little evil, and Fighter always loved swords.

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