Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ten Podcasts I Can't Get Enough Of

Things of Awesome

I only got on the podcast wagon recently, but I've heard that things are better late then never, unless you're talking about herpes. If you don't know what a podcast is, I was going to think up a hilarious definition, but lets see what the good people at Urban Dictionary have provided for us first:

1) podcast - An online audio blog. Term invented by Adam Curry. A broadcast file which is commonly downloaded on an iPod or other MP3 hardware for mobile listening. Can also be played directly from your computer.

BORING, lets find one with a little more spice.

2) podcast - Another example of apple trying to brand everything with their name. It's a fucking MP3. Nothing more.

A step in the right direction, but it doesn't really inform. Let's try one more.

9) Podcast - An .mp3 file recorded in the style of a talk radio broadcast. Coined originally by Apple when they began offering a free "have your own Internet radio show" service through iTunes. Popular podcasts range from "Mugglecast" to "Catholic Insider".

I think that about takes care of it, although these definitions still don't sound appealing. I like to think of podcasts as talk-radio style shows that are uncensored and don't have to bend to lame network demands. Most are free, few have commercials, and a ton of them are worth your time.

These are the ones I regularly listen to, so don't get all pissy if I didn't mention your favorite. I probably haven't listened to it yet, or maybe *GASP*, I have an opinion that differs from yours.

Here's my Top Ten accompanied by one of the iTunes reviews:

10) Movies You Should See

"At times hilarious, at times sad, but always engrossing. Movies viewed through the eyes of average, but very intelligent moviegoers. Simply the most entertaining podcast. Period"

9) Jordan, Jesse, Go!

"Jordan and Jesse are a couple of guys with a silly, snarky sense of humour. The show is mostly just them chatting, with enough structure to keep things on the rails most of the time. Funny guests, goofy themes and charming musical punctuation are icing on the cake."

8) Nobody Likes Onions

"Been listening to this one since it started. If you like edgy comedy you will enjoy this pod. I want Patrick in my mouth now."

7) The Nerdist

"Great podcast that gives an inside look into the comic's persona. The guests are entertaining and opinionated, which always makes for good radio. Worth a listen whether or not you get obscure humour."

6) Comedy Film Nerds

"I come for the witty movie-centric banter, but I stay for Chris Mancini's laugh. Great podcast...highly recommended."

5) Film Sack

"This podcast makes me embarrassed, especially when I'm snickering to myself like a homeless insane person while listening to it on public transit. Certainly the best/weirdest movie podcast I've come across."

4) SModcast

"One of the best, uncut, nonsensical pieces of entertainment I've ever had the pleasure of hearing. I could listen to Kevin and Mos talk about nothing all day long."

3) Stop Podcasting Yourself

"Great dynamic between the 2 hosts, hilarious recurring segments and unique integration of listener calls & e-mails make this the best comedy podcast out there. Subscribe and listen to previous episodes, it's truly consistently funny each week."

2) I Love Movies

"Doug Benson does an amazing job of bringing a variety of film and comedy stars to teh podcast to talk about movies. The results are always a zany mix of hijinx which is sure to entertain the listener. If you like movies, comedy, or just great conversation you should check out this podcast."

1) You Look Nice Today

"Original, daring and funny as hell, You Look Nice Today is the greatest comedy podcast you never knew about. It's laced with hidden humor and made up of a cast that always has a story to tell."

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