Friday, March 12, 2010

At Least Cigarette Companies Are Honest Now

The other day I caught a news special about the dangers of smoking, and the way that even today cigarette manufacturers subconsciously market to kids. Most of the report was bullshit nonsense, or obvious, and in my opinion avoided all of the important questions about tobacco use today.

One of the smoking myths I hate the most is the "cigarettes are just as addictive as heroin" gimmick. I don't care what your fancy science graph says, no junkie ever rolled up on an innocent person in a bad neighborhood and killed them to get money for some smokes. If you go too long without smoking, you don't start vomiting uncontrollably and soiling yourself either.

Another complaint is that flavored cigars, filters, etc, are there only to get kids to smoke. Why do kids have the monopoly on things that taste good? As an adult, if I am choosing to smoke despite knowing all of the harmful side-effects, I think I deserve the option for some flavors. Are we going to get rid of coolers and mixed drinks too, since they come in all sorts of fruity flavors?

Overall though, the thing that bothers me the most is the hypocritical stance that governments take with regards to tobacco. If it is really such a terrible substance, make it illegal like the other hard drugs. If you choose to keep it legal for the obvious tax revenue, just bite the bullet and legalize and tax pot too. To say that tobacco and alcohol are safe enough for the general populace to be legal is one thing, but turning around and saying marijuana is too dangerous to legalize is a complete joke. We just need someone in a position of power to grow some balls and treat the general population like adults.

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