Sunday, March 21, 2010

South Park Really Is Fantastic

Only now did I catch the newest episode of South Park, and I got to say it is shaping up like another solid season. It wasn't anything spectacular, but did have moments and an overall point that I agreed with, we really need to stop treating these infidelities like they're anything special.

They're using Obama in a good way, and the entire alien wizard bit really hit the nail on the head, especially since all of this Jesse James / Sandra Bullock crap started too. The main problem I have with all of this nonsense, is that there's more important things going on in the world right now than this sort of gossip, but it's all that dominates the news.

I think I'm just fed up that there are so many fascinating things to learn about and discuss in this world, from history to things that effect our daily lives. I don't want to know the names of Tiger Woods' mistresses, or even who the hell Snooki is. It's one thing if I'm seeking out this nonsense, but I never watch any reality shows and avoid TMZ and all that stuff, so still knowing so much about these people who don't deserve my attention is infuriating to say the least.

We got to take back the news! Or at least get them to show reports about kids huffing shit that's been swimming in piss to get high. Those specials always crack me up.

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