Friday, March 26, 2010

Some Format Changes (Like Anyone Cares)

As much as I hate organization and structure, I've decided IGTM needs to operate under a routine. Instead of nonsensical posts whenever I feel like, sometime next week I'll integrate the following format for daily posts (open to suggestions for better names or topics) :

Sunday - Things of Awesome
Monday - Rants
Tuesday - Novel Novelizations
Wednesday - Pop Cultatron
Thursday - Thursday Twittles
Friday - Link Out Friday
Saturday -Animal News Day (Yeah, let's see how long this one will last)

Obviously this isn't set in stone, and I'm thinking of implementing some design changes too, but overall I think this will work for the best. That or cause to go down in flames faster than Air Force One in a disaster movie. Ugh, if that pun is any indication probably the latter.

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