Friday, March 5, 2010

The Pain of Ear Darts

There are a lot of specific guys that I dislike. Now I don't mean Fred or Bill specific, I mean "guy that walks around for more than five minutes with cigarette behind his ear". I know these sorts of actions aren't actually effecting me in any way, I'm just saying that when I see this guy at a party or something I always know that they're not the type of people I choose to associate with.

It's not the smoking thing either, that's their choice, it's the whole showy "look at me, I smoke just not at this second" aspect of it. If you bummed a dart and put it behind your ear on your route outside to smoke it, whatever that's a good a place as any. But that guy that just walks around with it like a prop, or worse yet smokes another one while the first one still behind his ear, nails the triple score on the douche-o-meter.

Another personality trait that usually links to annoyance for me is the guy with the canned material. At nearly every party I go to, somehow the incredibly lame douche that thinks he's funny will find his way over to me and start doing some clearly canned material. I'll smile and nod, but never laugh as I don't want to reinforce his idea that he's funny. Realizing that I'm not responsive to his bit, he'll usually start talking like himself and usually comes across much less annoying. That is until a third party feels the need to join our conversation, where annoying humor kid chooses to see if his material works on this new audience. It never does.

Look, I realize that when you're at a party with randoms you've never met before everyone clings on to a "thing". Just be aware that there are a lot of traits which are annoying as hell.

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