Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Well, I got 1716 words done and to be perfectly honest, it's pretty badass. The main character is cool, and I managed to work a bear into the mix which may or may not bite me in the ass later. At the moment it seems like it's a standard mystery/detective book, but with a bear. I'm not sure if it's a parody or ironically detached, but so far I'd read it.

The hardest part so far is deciding the names on the fly, which means they will totally change because some of them are already getting annoying to type. Plus, I'm not sure if a bear really should have a last name, then again he is the assistant...SPOILERS!

Naw, how can I spoil anything, I don't even know what's happening yet. Although keeping in the traditions of the genre, broads will cause drama and hard drinks will be downed. Also, I think the bear will do some soul-searching and learn a little bit about himself.

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