Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Internet, (Why So) Serious Business

I will admit that being on the Internet as much as I am, I feel a little bit detached from "regular folk". Everything on the Internet goes so lightning quick, and I feel I've burned through so much before the average person even finds out about it. I still have friends that are only now finding out the glory of Japanese commercials.

The other day I was casually talking to someone and they asked me what this "digg-thingy" was. Seriously? I can barely fathom a world where people don't at least know what Digg is. The same goes for pedobear and rickrolling. I take these things for granted as assumed knowledge, but the average person has no idea about this sort of stuff. Sometimes it feels almost like I've traveled through time, I mean one of my friends tried telling me a Chuck Norris joke the other day. I half expected him to bust out some POGs next.

There are times that I've tried to give "regular" people some insight on what the Internet really has to offer, but it always falls apart. Heck, if these rubes can't grasp the concept of Twitter, how am I supposed to explain what the hell a demotivational is.

I suppose the scariest part is that I don't even consider myself an Internet guru. Hell, I only found out about that meekakitty chick a couple months ago. There is just so much out there to discover, and it's hard to really grasp how big it all really is.

If there are people who use the Internet on a regular basis and have no idea what the heck podcasts are, I can't even fathom how much there is that I myself haven't found yet. When you sit back and think, it's actually quite intimidating. Thank god it's pretty much just filled with porn and wholly inaccurate movie rumors.

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