Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Love It or Hate It? I Choose Neither

I remember a time when people were allowed to feel "meh" about things. I didn't have to love or hate a movie, I could just say "it was alright, but made it drag on too much."

I mostly blame the Internet, as it's the primary source of everything pertaining to polarization and anger. There is a very strong, "if you're not with us, you're against" us mentality online, and I'm sorry nothing is that black and white, especially not opinions.

We are humans. We can think, feel, act, and even abuse substances. Why the hell can't I still enjoy something but find flaws with it? I don't really care for the onions on a Whopper, but it is still a fine sandwich. The villain fight at the end of the first Iron Man sucked, but the rest of the movie was pretty entertaining.

I thought Avatar had incredible effects, but a really boring and played-out story. Did I hate the movie? No. Did I love the movie? No. Is the movie decent? I guess it had moments. See what I did there? I exercised my option to neither love, nor hate. People should try it once in a while, they'll find that they're a lot happier when they stop living in a world that only consists of extremes.

This being said, I think Back to the Future III gets way more shit than it deserves, and most things about Harry Potter are mediocre at best.

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