Sunday, March 7, 2010

You Misunderstand, I Really Don't Care

This year made me realize that in a world where Facebook and Twitter and such are so popular, there are events that I look forward to not because I'm interested in them, but mostly because I want them to be over so I don't have to hear about them anymore.

It started with the Late Night wars and the feud with Conan and Leno. At first it was neat hearing different perspectives weigh in, but after a couple days I stopped caring at all. Hearing comedians and other Late Night hosts chime in was relevant since this was an issue they could see all sides of, but why did people even care what Ashton Kutcher or Diablo Body have to say about it?

The next noticeable offense was the Olympics. I get it, it's fun to cheer on our countries and be patriotic, but I don't need twenty updates during every single event telling me how we did or giving me medal counts. I have legitimate news sources to get that information from.

Tonight are the Oscars, and although I like to stay current on the issues of popular culture, why do I need to know every person's Oscar picks? Do I care that someone I went to high school with is wishing James Cameron luck? Why is Bill Paxton being interviewed about his Oscar selections? Because he happened to be in a couple James Cameron movies a while ago?

As I type this, people are retweeting Ebert's predictions and commenting on things Perez Hilton and other gossip sites are saying about the pre-red carpet scenario. I know this is the information age, and the Internet has given everyone a voice, but you need to realize that just because you have a Facebook page doesn't mean that everyone wants to know your opinions on EVERYTHING.

"Jane Doe wishes all of the Oscar nominees the best of luck!!!" Are you serious? You are just a random suburban girl, it's not like Matt Damon is going to creep some random status updates and think to himself, "Hey, she's got a point. Maybe I do have a shot against Christoph Waltz."

Before anyone points it out, yes I realize the irony in complaining about this on my own blog, but this is what blogs are for: voicing your opinions on stuff. If you feel so strongly that the world needs to know your thoughts on a subject, put it out there for the world to see. If you're just an attention whore and feel like telling everyone that "Susan Smith hates waiting for the bus!", you should take a step back and just ask yourself a quick question: Seriously, who the fuck cares?

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