Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bolivian Animals Hit By Struggling Economy

In a move that is sure to please animal rights activists, Bolivia recently imposed a ban upon circus animals. One would think this would be a good news for the furry little guys, but how are they supposed to bring home the figurative bacon? With the country full of unemployed critters, the Bolivian government's cutbacks seem far from benevolent.

See guys, the economy is hitting everyone hard and these animals just don't have what it takes to be hired anywhere else. They're mostly middle-aged with no real-world experience, and employers are looking for people right out of school. I suppose some could go the Robin route and turn their circus training into crime fighting, but last I checked that doesn't pay the bills either... unless you're a policeman or something.

So spread the word everyone! If you see a Bolivian animal that happens to be juggling and/or smoking, try and give it some work or a sandwich. Remember, circus monkeys are people too... more or less.

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