Monday, April 5, 2010

Maiden Mondays: Amanda Bynes

Well, I realized that it is time for yet another format change. Firstly, having a Monday Rant and a Wednesday Pop Culture diatribe doesn't make much sense, since most of my Monday Rants are likely to be pop culture related anyway. So from here on out, Wednesdays will now be Pop Culture Rants, and Mondays will be...

That's the dilemma isn't it. I decided to solve the problem how I solve most of my problems, by Googling the phrase "words that start with m" (I like alliteration). This brought me to the idea of Macho Monday (although that would basically just parallel Things of Awesome Day).

In the end I settled on Maiden Monday, where I will pick a celebrity crush of sorts and write a little profile on her. She can be a character or actress, and if you don't agree that's great since that's less competition for me. So without further ado, the first entry for Maiden Monday: Amanda Bynes.

Amanda Bynes is one of those rare women that skillfully combines hilariousness with cuteness, and still ended up a total babe. I've been a fan since the early days of The Amanda Show and What I Like About You, and with the exception of Lovewrecked thought her movies were lul-inducing.

Rumors abound about her lately from her involvement with rapper Drake, to her questionably lengthly absence from television and movie screens. She got a nice push after being a back-to-back cover girl on Cosmo and then Maxim, and it's only a matter of time before she's back in she spotlight.

That or she's totally fallen into obscurity, which would rule since it would make it easier for me to pick her up broken and desperate.

PS: Tuesdays will also now be Trailer Tuesdays, where new movie Trailers will be discussed. I told you, I like alliteration.

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